DMF Group and Corporate Finance Associates acted as the exclusive M&A advisors of adivo

Deutsche Mittelstandsfinanz, Frankfurt, and its cooperation partner cfa worldwide, Los Angeles, exclusively advised the shareholders of adivo GmbH, Puchheim near Munich, on the sale of their shares to Zoetis Inc., Parsippany, NJ, near New York.
Zoetis Inc. is the world’s leading animal health company, with revenue amounting to more than USD 8 billion. Boasting a market capitalization of USD 89 billion, the S&P 500 company is one of the 100 largest listed companies in the USA.
Spun off from MorphoSys AG in 2018, adivo is a leading research company in the field of advanced biopharmaceuticals for veterinary medicine. adivo develops animal-specific therapeutic antibodies using an innovative and patent-protected technology platform. These antibodies enable new targeted therapy options and offer particular potential in indications that were previously untreatable or poorly treatable. They can have fewer undesirable effects than previous methods.
In addition to the founders, the selling shareholders of adivo GmbH include High-Tech Gründerfonds, the Swiss Occident Group AG and MorphoSys AG, a leading German biopharmaceutical company listed on the TecDAX.
Through the transaction, Zoetis expands its competencies in monoclonal antibodies, which are increasingly gaining importance in veterinary medicine following their broad success in human medicine. The acquisition of adivo provides Zoetis with access to technological know-how as well as to existing species-specific antibody libraries and opens up the possibility for Zoetis to develop additional novel products to meet the needs of veterinarians and the pets they care for.