Deutsche Mittelstandsfinanz exclusively advised the owner of Walz Verpackungen during the sale process

As part of an asset deal Walz Verpackungen was acquired by a subsidiary of Austrian Group Rondo Ganahl.
Walz Verpackungen is a leading Southern German supplier of industrial transportation packaging. The company mainly made its mark with special packaging for very sophisticated applications and in the service area. Walz is very successful with the MC-Box which replaces wooden crates in the field of heavy load packaging. Furthermore, Walz is known to its customers as specialist for customized solutions on the one hand and full-service supplier of packaging materials on the other hand.
As a result of the transaction Walz Verpackungen gains access to an international customer base and resolves the company succession over the medium term.
Rondo Ganahl operates seven factories for corrugated paper in Europe and Turkey. By purchasing Walz Verpackungen Rondo Ganahl is for the first time represented with a subsidiary of its own in Germany.