Deutsche Mittelstandsfinanz exclusively advised on the sale of Optimol Instruments Prüftechnik GmbH, Munich as part of a structured sales process

Deutsche Mittelstandsfinanz exclusively advised on the sale of Optimol Instruments Prüftechnik GmbH, Munich as part of a structured sales process.
Optimol Instruments was acquired by a holding company that is advised by Virthos Partners AG from Zurich.
Optimol Instruments is the world market leader for tribological measuring instruments that are used to measure metal wear in machines. Around the world Optimol Instruments‘ customers include among others many of the leading car manufacturers and almost all important manufacturers of lubricants and additives as well as many renowned research institutions.
With this acquisition Virthos unites in Optimol Instruments and the existing Virthos-investment Feinwerktechnik Otto Harrandt GmbH, Waiblingen (measurement, inspection and assembly of pistons) two world market leaders in the measuring and inspection technology with a strong customer base and an innovative product portfolio under one economic roof.