A DMFin-consulting team managed the turnaround of a company in the consumer goods industry

A DMFin-consulting team managed the turnaround of a company in the consumer goods industry

DeutscheMittelstandsfinanz Tombstone TurnaroundTransaktionsvorbereitun ENG

A Deutsche Mittelstandsfinanz-consulting team successfully completed the turnaround of a company in the consumer goods industry and initiated the transaction after the crisis.

The measures

  • Analysis of the profitability focusing on product-market-segments
  • Creating transparency regarding the use of resources
  • Deducting value creators/value annihilators
  • Identification of the levers for the turnaround
  • Initiation of the strategic realignment focusing on market opportunities and competitiveness
  • Modification of the market strategy
  • Repositioning of the organizational and cost structure
  • Creation and implementation of a turnaround schedule
  • Initiation of the growth and transaction phase
  • Preparation of a concept for profitable growth based on the core business
  • Realization of the growth program
  • Initiation of the transaction process