A DMFin-consulting team managed the successful turnaround of a family-owned business

A Deutsche Mittelstandsfinanz-consulting team successfully managed the turnaround of a family-owned business in the consumer goods industry and created the conditions for a successful corporate transaction.
Crash-phase: Focus on ensuring the liquidity
- Utilization of all cash reserves to ensure the liquidity in the short range
- Coordination of the interests and activities of all parties, creating trust and transparency
- Maintaining the core functions and main business ties of the company
Initiating the turnaround
- Drafting a turnaround-concept based on a comprehensive analysis of the company
- Initiating immediate measures
- Realizing short-term results potential
Concept realization & consolidation of the company
- Implementation of the measures and creation of organizational and structural changes
- Focused alignment of the company’s products and services with the markets and customer groups
- Concise coordination of the company’s activities and processes, functional realignment of the organizational structure
- Focus on the core competencies of the company
- Initiation of the corporate transaction