A DMFin-consulting team managed the post-merger integration of a company in the packaging industry

A DMFin-consulting team managed the post-merger integration of a company in the packaging industry

DeutscheMittelstandsfinanz Tombstone Postmerger ENG

A Deutsche Mittelstandsfinanz-consulting team successfully completed the post-merger integration of a company in the packaging industry.

The measures

  • Development of a sound, implementation-oriented corporate strategy with the European management team
  • Definition and implementation of a new business model
  • Realization of synergetic effects and „quick wins“
  • Development and implementation of a Europe-wide supply chain management strategy
  • Reorganization and realignment of the product and production strategy
  • Implementation of a Europe-wide competence model, introduction of an HR-strategy
  • Mobilization of the organization through top-down and bottom-up communication