A DMFin-consulting team directed the turnaround of a mid-sized company in the consumer goods industry

A DMFin-consulting team directed the turnaround of a mid-sized company in the consumer goods industry

DeutscheMittelstandsfinanz Tombstone Restrukturierung ENG

A Deutsche Mittelstandsfinanz-consulting team successfully carried out the turnaround of a mid-sized consumer goods industry company affiliated with a corporation (EUR 200m turnover) and prepared the subsequent corporate transaction.

The measures

  • Restructuring of the production processes and capacities, review of the location concept, outsourcing and vertical integration
  • Relaunch of the product portfolio and modification of the product strategy
  • Reorganization of the sales department and administration
  • Review and definition of the short- and mid-term strategic and operative corporate planning
  • Definition and implementation of a rapid action plan to generate quick wins
  • Development of a growth strategy by acquisition, market analysis and due diligence
  • Creation of the strategic and operative prerequisites for the corporate transaction