Transaction consulting
The acquisition or divesture of companies or parts thereof are complex projects which without consulting keep a company’s management away from operative business. Furthermore, M&A–transactions are one-time projects that require unique skills, competencies and experience which in many cases cannot be found within the company or among the shareholders. Deutsche Mittelstandsfinanz provides exactly this know-how.
Due to our partners‘ wealth of experience we are able to recognize and avoid material risks of transactions early on. The preparation of the business documents by us and the initiation and control of competitive situations increase the transaction safety. During the selling process this results in higher revenues and during the purchasing process in lower prices and lower entrepreneurial risks. Due to Deutsche Mittelstandsfinanz’s professional project monitoring transactions are noticeably accelerated. In addition, better financing terms may be achieved.
Our three-phase-model includes the following components:

This well-proven process is also fully or partially suitable for succession plans or purchasing mandates.