Dr. Dirk Frobese
Senior Advisor
Office: +49 69 - 95 42 12 64
Main industries:
- Software development
- IT services
Dirk Frobese gained experience as a software developer and IT architect while studying for a degree in engineering at the University of Hanover. In 2009, he completed his doctorate in computer science specialising in neural networks at the University of Hildesheim.
During the technology transition from mainframe architectures to decentralised PCs, Dirk Frobese developed the first IT systems based on a multi-layer architecture. He was also responsible for the decentralised system environment of savings bank branches at the leading IT service provider for savings banks.
In 1998, he founded his own IT consultancy, frobese GmbH. Over the course of 25 years, Dirk Frobese and his team initiated and implemented extensive paradigm shifts in areas such as agile approaches, object-orientation and test-driven development as part of major projects at numerous companies.
In 2021, Dirk Frobese sold his company with the support of Deutsche Mittelstandsfinanz to the Norwegian company Data Respons, a subsidiary of the listed French-Belgian AKKA Technologies Group (now Akkodis).